USPTO Trademark Application: Trademark Office Actions So, you successfully submitted your trademark application and you’re so excited to hear that your trademark is now officially…
Protect Your Intellectual Property: Licensing Agreements Intellectual property (IP) has become a bit of a buzzword in the legal world. The thing is that even…
How Does California Trademark Registration Work? You have probably heard of trademarks before, but what you almost certainly haven’t learned about is the process by…
Forming an Limited Liability Company “LLC” An LLC, or limited liability company, is a term used to describe a private limited company. LLCs, along with…
U.S Government Cannabinoids Patent No. 6630507In 2003, patent No. 6630507 was granted to the Department of Health and Human Services. Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties. Patent No. 6630507 also references 12 other U.S. patents related to cannabis dating…
Can You Trademark a Domain Name? If one cannot duplicate a phone number or street address, then why should one have the power to duplicate…
One of the most difficult aspects of protecting your trademark in today’s world is protecting it on an international level. Unfortunately, there is no tool that…
There are a few steps a trademark owner can take once discovered a competitor or a competitor offering similar goods or services uses a mark, such…
Hiring a business startup lawyer in Los Angeles can get a costly. There is hope! Many firms, including KAASS Law understand the set-backs businesses and startups…