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Protecting Your Home from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

HVAC Installations: The Hidden Danger

When hiring a contractor to install or repair your HVAC system, you place trust and confidence that the work will be completed in a safe and timely manner. However, one of the most dangerous risks with improper HVAC installations is carbon monoxide or CO poisoning. Carbon Monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that can be fatal when it accumulates in your home due to faulty HVAC systems. The cause of many CO poisons is a common culprit: unlicensed and/or unqualified contractors.

These inadequate contractors may make these mistakes and place homeowners at great risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. The following is an informative article on how to prepare yourself better to prevent these things from occurring. Living in a home with the likelihood of having family members or loved ones inside, one must protect them and themselves at all times. Safety is first when it comes down to the household.


Licensing Contractors

When it comes down to hiring contractors for home improvement or repair, including HVAC installations, it is extremely crucial to have a license in their specialty. Having a certificate and or license ensures that contractors have the ability to perform a job correctly. This includes ensuring that all installations meet local building codes and safety standards. HVAC contractors need the requirement to hold specific licenses to legally perform installations, maintenance, and repairs. Licensing guidelines are different by state, but most require contractors to demonstrate proficiency in key areas such as:

  • Safety Standards: The HVAC system installation is in a way that meets all local, state, and federal regulations. 
  • Environmental Code: Adhering to guidelines about energy efficiency and sustainability. 
  • Proper Installation: Ensuring the system is correct in size, installed, and calibrated to avoid issues. Improper ventilations can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. 


Hiring anyone unlicensed and unqualified means you may be putting your home, family, and your legal rights at risk. It is better to hire an actual licensed HVAC contractor to ensure proper handling of your house. Installing Carbon Monoxide Detectors is also important. They can easily sound an alarm when dangerous levels are present. Regular maintenance and inspections should be on your schedule at all times. Having proper ventilation goes without saying. Contractors should make sure the system’s exhaust vents are proper and free from obstructions. If your HVAC system is built otherwise, it could be putting you and your surroundings at risk of CO buildup. 

Legal Consequences

If a contractor performs a faulty HVAC installation that leads to carbon monoxide poisoning or any other issues, homeowners may have the proper scope to pursue a lawsuit. This also applies to anybody who was a guest at a hotel or someone else’s house. Here are a few potential options: 

  1. Breach of Contract: If a contractor with a valid license fails to meet the terms of the contract, you could make a claim that there is a compromise on the contract. For instance, if the contractor’s installation was leading to dangerous conditions, you might be able to seek compensation for damages. 
  2. Negligence: Contractors have a duty to perform their work with complete competence and reasonable care. Failure to do so and installation of the HVAC system in an improper fashion will carry harmful effects and risks. Contractors can be held liable for damages, including medical expenses from CO poisoning or the cost of repairing or replacing the system. Emotional distress can also be a factor with all of this going on. 
  3. Insurance Claims: Cases where lack of proper installments can lead to CO poisoning, homeowners can file homeowner or health insurance if applicable. 
  4. Filing a Complaint: If the contractor violated the safety standards, homeowners can file a complaint with the state licensing board or consumer protection agency. This gives the ability to help prevent other homeowners from falling victim to unsafe practices.  

CO poisoning happens very often within a household, but it is also worth mentioning that this can happen to anyone, anywhere. Sometimes, your work environment, hotels, shopping malls, schools, grocery stores, or even a theater can potentially have these risks. There are plenty of ways and factors that need consideration, so always try to be aware of your surroundings as best as you can. 

Don’t Risk It!

The HVAC system is a critical process that requires skill, experience, intelligence, and proper licensing. Anyone who doesn’t have any of the four, or none at all, is not worth risking your life over for a cheaper deal. Hiring a licensed HVAC contractor, maintaining your system, and installing carbon monoxide detectors can help protect your family from the dangers of CO poisoning. If something goes wrong, legal action can be taken. Here at KAASS LAW, we are familiar with this matter and can represent homeowners or anyone who was the victim of CO poisoning.

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