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Hoverboard Product Liability Claims

Hoverboard Product Liability Claim

Started back in 2013, hoverboards have been in public for some time now . They began to quickly gain fame as most teenagers started purchasing the product. However, many problems arose during that time. Let’s discuss Hoverboard Product Liability Claims.

What is a Hoverboard?

A hoverboard is a way of portable transport, made to ride with only feet. There is a common term for them, which is “self-riding scooters.” Hoverboards came to be the “next big thing” at the time of their release. With it being technologically so active, there came along a variety of issues with the product.

Hoverboard Technology Crashing and Loss of Control

With the hoverboard being the new portable way of transit, technological reliability is highly dependent on during the use of this product. An example of a defect in technology included the hoverboard coming to an immediate stop. Now, this may not sound so bad, however, the damages it led to have been far more serious.

With further elaboration, let’s discuss how the hoverboard is driven. Riding a hoverboard, you must place your two feet in the two given spots. Being able to move the hoverboard forward or backward, you must lean forward and backwards, respectfully. To turn in direction, the body weight must transfer to one leg while the other maneuvers the opposite leg to start turning.

This applies to both sides while you are turning. So, if someone were to be riding the hoverboard and going in a forward motion and suddenly the hoverboard comes to an immediate stop, there are a countless number of physical damages that may arise in the midst of this accident. Technology crashing may also lead to a loss of control.

Issues with Hoverboards

Some issues with the hoverboard include:

  • Manufacture defect
  • Technology crashing
  • Loss of control
  • Advertising Expectations

California Hoverboard Product Liability Lawsuit

There are several possible hoverboard product defects that can exist causing injury. There are 3 theories that a product liability lawsuit can be brought under. The 3 product liability theories include:

  • Design Defect: A design defect occurs when the product’s design was an initial factor causing the injury to the consumer
  • Manufacturing Defect: A manufacturing defect occurs when the product deviated from design specifications and that defect was a main and initial factor causing the injury to the consumer
  • Failure to Warn Defect: A failure to warn defect occurs when there is a risks known to the defendant but not clear to a consumer and the defendant’s failure to provide a reasonable warning or notice, which was an initial factor causing the injury to the consumer

California Laws and Regulations on Riding Hoverboards

California hoverboard or electrically motorized board riders should be aware that there are California laws that govern its use. Some of these California hoverboard laws include but are not limited to:

  • Hoverboard riders are permitted to ride on public highways and roadways designated at 35 mph or less;
  • Hoverboard riders must be at least 16 years or older to ride on public highways/roadways;
  • Riders are not allowed to operate hoverboards on a highway, bikeway, or any other public bicycle path, sidewalk, or trail, at speeds over 15 mph;
  • Hoverboard users are required to wear a helmet; and
  • It is illegal to operate a hoverboard while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or any drug

Personal Injury Attorney

If you or someone you know has been injured and think this can potentially be a Hoverboard Product Liability Claim, don’t hesitate to contact our Los Angeles personal injury attorney today  at (310) 943-1171 for a free consultation and case review.

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