What Is the Paycheck Protection Program? The Paycheck Protection Program is a government loan program established through the CARES Act for businesses who employ less…
Prescription drugs play a vital role in managing health conditions, but they can also be misused and abused. California law takes a strong stance against…
Unemployment insurance fraud occurs when an individual provides false, incomplete or misleading information, intentionally conceals facts or provides wrong identification for obtaining, increasing or denying…
Under California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 10980 welfare fraud is an act of unlawfully obtaining welfare benefits from the government by intentionally submitting false…
California Penal Code Section 332, gaming fraud or gambling fraud is obtaining another person’s money or property through use of any game, device, sleight of…
California Penal Code Section 550(a) covers and defines healthcare fraud, which sometimes is also referred to as health insurance fraud and medical billing fraud. Healthcare…
California law allows persons to recover damages for intentional fraud as well as negligent misrepresentations if certain elements are sufficiently plead and proved. There are…