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California Privacy Law AB 375

California Privacy Law AB 375

California Privacy Law Assembly Bill No. 375

The California privacy law AB-375 (Assembly Bill No. 375) passed on June 06, 2018, is related to private and personal information businesses obtain about consumers.

Starting on January 1, 2020, AB-375 grants consumers the right to request a business to disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal information that it collects about the consumer. In addition, the business must also provide the categories of sources from which that information is collected, the business reasons for collecting and/or selling the info, and the categories of third parties that the information will be shared with.

California privacy law AB 375 will require businesses to make disclosures about the information and the things that they will be used for. Due to this bill, consumers will have the right to request deletion of personal information. Even more so, the businesses would be required to delete a consumer’s personal information upon request.

As a result, California’s privacy law will authorize consumers to opt out of any sales related to personal information by a business. The bill also prohibits the business from discriminating against the consumer for exercising this right.

This bill also authorizes businesses to offer financial benefits by providing incentives for collection of personal information.

Additional California Privacy Law Facts

  • Prohibits businesses from selling personal information of a consumers under 16 years of age, unless authorized.
  • Sets requirements for receiving, processing, and satisfying personal information requests from consumers.
  • The bill describes various definitions for its purposes and would define “personal information” with reference to a broad list of characteristics and behaviors, personal and commercial.

Thanks to this California privacy law, consumers will have legal defense against any unlawful actions regarding their personal information.

Do you feel like your privacy rights have been violated in California? Get in touch with our experienced lawyers in Glendale, Los Angeles, CA, at KAASS LAW to go over the details of your incident.

Our law firm will defend your rights and make sure that privacy isn’t being neglected.

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